Jeremy Clarkson’s funniest quotes of 2020

In a year filled with farmer-unfriendly weather, pandemics and turning 60, Jeremy Clarkson has managed to maintain his characteristic humour.
Jeremy Clarkson supercars quotes

Clarkson on: supercars

By Jeremy Clarkson's reckoning, supercars are the most fantastic yet ultimately irrational purchases a car buyer can make. They’re expensive, they...
Jeremy Clarkson America quotes

Clarkson on: America

Don't pick on the little guy, they say, which could explain why Jeremy Clarkson frequently likes to poke fun at America and its inhabitants. Here...
Jeremy Clarkson quotes: foreigners

Clarkson on: foreigners

Jeremy Clarkson has managed to land himself in hot water with Indians, Mexicans, Malaysians, Americans ... in fact, pretty much everyone in the world
Jeremy Clarkson car launch event quotes

Clarkson on: car launches

What would Clarkson have made of Jaguar's rather theatrical launch this week of the BMW 3-series-rivalling XE? As the be-jeansed one chose not to...
Jeremy Clarkson Top Gear quotes

Clarkson on: Top Gear

When the BBC’s Top Gear was re-invented in 2002 it proved an instant hit with the public and at its peak attracted UK audiences of more than 7m...
Jeremy Clarkson himself quotes

Clarkson on: Clarkson

Jeremy Clarkson is as cutting about himself as he is about anyone else, and his columns occasionally contain fascinating insights into the life of...
Jeremy Clarkson convertible car quotes

Clarkson on: convertibles

Jeremy Clarkson's opinions may entertain or enrage you - but at least he's never dull.
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Clarkson on: muscle cars

You'd think Jeremy Clarkson would be a die-hard fan of muscle cars, but get beyond their brash bravado and even Clarkson can rue a lack of finesse.
jeremy clarkson on the environment

Clarkson on: the environment

It's not easy being green... especially with Jeremy Clarkson around. The environment and Clarkson go together as well as a Norwegian Fjord and a...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Clarkson on: politics

Jeremy Clarkson is not shy of taking on the people of Westminster, and the politics of the rest of the world doesn’t escape his eye either. Here...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Clarkson on: battle of the sexes

While Jeremy Clarkson is pretty even-handed when it comes to discussing gender, his legendary motormouth has landed in him hot water with women on...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Clarkson on: cars

Jeremy Clarkson's opinions may entertain or enrage you — but at least he's never dull. One of his more memorable observations was that...