The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

My car failed its MoT because replacement door mirror...

Q. There were originally indicators on the door mirrors of my 2005 Honda Jazz. After an accident I replaced the nearside one with a mirror without...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Should I be worried about the brake power assistance...

Q. The power assistance to the brakes on my 54-plate diesel Ford Focus C-Max sometimes stops functioning a few moments after starting up, only to...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Is parking ticket valid if the numberplate was recorded...

Q. When issuing me with a parking ticket, the enforcement officer wrote out the number of my registration plate incorrectly — the two numbers in...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Points: Letters of the week, October 12

This week: Bicycle registering, wrong fuel, Honda love & spider eradication
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

New cars with the longest warranty

Cars are expensive and complicated. So when they go wrong, it can be an extraordinarily costly business to fix them. That’s why it’s important...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Letters of the week, October 5

The issues that got you talking this week.
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

25 best eco-cars for every occasion

Every driver knows it doesn’t take long for the showroom shine of a new car to fall victim to pigeons, and for the bills to start rolling in.
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

How do I get rid of spiders from my Toyota Prius and...

Q. A colony of spiders has made its home in the wing mirrors of my Toyota Prius and my wife’s Volkswagen Golf. They have now begun invading the...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Will a camera fitted to my car help in an insurance...

Q. I was recently involved in a no-fault accident but I struggled to prove it to my insurer. Now I am thinking of buying a dashboard camera. Would...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

In view of future tax rises, should I buy a diesel...

Q. I’m worried by recent reports predicting tax rises and highlighting other negative issues relating to diesel vehicles. I drive a diesel Ford...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

What value-for-money 4WD can I buy for £20,000?

Q. I wanted to replace my Suzuki SX4 automatic with another, but to my surprise Suzuki no longer offers an automatic gearbox. What similar car can...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Toyota Prius (2000 to present)

So, you’re thinking about buying a Toyota Prius. Join the club. Last month, the Prius was the fastest-selling used car in Britain. It may have been...