News: Pastafarian wins right to wear colander on his head in driving licence photo

No holes in his argument, finds court


A MAN whose driving licence application was repeatedly rejected after he wore a colander on his head for his official photograph, has finally had his permit granted by an Austrian court.

Niko Alm, 45, wore the utensil as a protest against rules forbidding headgear for all but “confessional” reasons.

Colander licence

After three years of applying fruitlessly for his licence Alm persuaded the court that, as a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, whose members call themselves Pastafarians, he followed the organisation’s sole dogma: the rejection of dogma.

In the court’s opinion, this gave Alm, an atheist and entrepreneur, the right to wear the food strainer on his head in his official photograph, and his licence was duly granted.

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