Drivers of pre-2016 diesel cars face London toxicity charge

Pre-2015 diesel cars face extra London charge

Sadiq Khan said that his £10 toxicity charge, or T-charge, which was introduced in central London last month for cars built before 2005 ...
Me and my Motor: Mark Beaumont

Me and my Motor: Mark Beaumont

Mark Beaumont has just pedalled all the way around the world in less than 80 days — most of the way with a broken arm. The 34-year-old Scotsman...
Woman filmed hurling herself at taxi ‘to claim compensation’

Woman hurled herself at taxi ‘for compensation'

A cab driver has filmed a woman hurling herself on to the bonnet of his taxi before rolling into the middle of the road and playing dead in an ap
The Future of Transport: The co-pilot takes over with driverless cars

The future of transport: The co-pilot takes over

The key to a driverless future is artificial intelligence, which will enable self-driving cars to take decisions like a human.
The future of transport: jetpack aviation

The future of transport: The next ride to work

Forget the bus: futuristic flying machines, rocket skates and electric skateboards promise to make our daily commutes far more exciting.
In pods we trust: enter the 700mph Hyperloop

The future of transport: In pods we trust

Underground tubes carrying passengers at speeds of 700mph may sound like a pipe dream, but Richard Branson has faith in the hyperloop.
The future of transport: In full flow — how rivers could ease road traffic

The future of transport: In full flow

Innovations such as eco-jets and floating cycle paths could soon bring a buzz back to city rivers and ease road congestion.
Get the look: the £1795 skirt that looks like a £30 car floor mat

The £1,795 skirt that looks like a £30 car mat

A Spanish luxury fashion brand has been subjected to ridicule after its latest, £1,795 black skirt was compared to rubber floor mats that can be...
X factor: prices and on-sale date of BMW's X2 small SUV

X factor: is BMW's X2 small SUV a winner?

Has BMW's new baby SUV got the X factor? The German car maker has revealed the new X2, its smallest SUV to date, as it seeks to grab a greater sh
From 0 to 200mph in 7sec: Bloodhound land speed record car's first jet-powered run

200mph in 7sec: Bloodhound makes first run

With a thunderous shriek that raised heads five miles away Wing Commander Andy Green today lit the afterburner on the world’s most ambitious car.
Suzuki e-Survivor

AI and electric cars: 2017 Tokyo motor show review

When it comes to giving drivers a glimpse of the future, the Tokyo motor show is the event to follow. The biennual show gives the engineers and d

Traffic jam cost rises to £9bn a year

Highways chiefs have been ordered to reduce the time taken to reopen motorways after accidents as figures showed that traffic jams cost the econo