Coronavirus could usher in age of the e-scooter

Coronavirus could usher in age of the e-scooter

New proposals might see e-scooters legalised in Britain as commuters are urged not to use public transport.
Government invests in road network and charging infrastructure

Government announces billions for road network

Transport secretary Grant Shapps has announced investment in Britain’s road network worth billions.
Quarter of men admit they are more likely to speed on lockdown roads

One in seven risk non-essential journey

A new study has revealed that 14% of people have risked making a non-essential journey since the coronavirus lockdown was enforced.
Pothole-related breakdowns increase due to winter storms

Spike in pothole-related breakdowns

Storms at the beginning of the year have contributed to an increase in pothole-related breakdowns, according to new statistics.
Birmingham cyclists asked to collect data on near-misses and problem junctions

Cyclists asked to collect data on near-misses

Cyclists in Birmingham are being asked to collect data on road conditions and dangerous driving so that town planners can help save lives.
More than 1 in 4 drivers have caused a crash due to misreading a road sign

1 in 4 drivers have crashed after misreading sign

Luckily, you don’t have to know a lot of the things you learned when you were 17. However, knowing your road signs is fairly important.
Milan introduces scheme to reduce traffic after lockdown

Milan's scheme to reduce post-lockdown traffic

The northern Italian city of Milan has introduced an ambitious scheme to reduce traffic on its roads after the coronavirus lockdown has ended.
Tesla drivers do more miles than any other car owners

Teslas cover more miles than any other make of car

Research has shown drivers of Teslas cover more miles of road than owners of any other car.

Ecotricity's EV charging network voted worst

Ecotricity's electric charging network, found at motorway service stations across the UK, has been found to be the worst by a survey.
Environmentalists start crowdfunding appeal to stop government road building scheme

Campaigners to take DfT to court over road plans

The UK government is facing backlash from environmentalists regarding plans to inject £27bn into a road-building programme.
Transport Committee launches e-scooter enquiry

Transport Committee launches e-scooter enquiry

The Transport Committee is undertaking an investigation into the feasibility of allowing electric powered scooters onto the roads of Britain.
More over 90s follow Prince Philip’s lead and give up driving licences

Over-90s leave the road after Prince Philip crash

Some of the UK’s oldest drivers are surrendering their driving licences in the name of safety, following the lead of Prince Philip.