Do breakdown services carry tyre sealant for roadside puncture repair?

Q. I have heard that the AA and other breakdown cover providers will not use tyre sealant if you call them out to fix a puncture. Is this true? I don’t carry a spare wheel. OD, London
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Must my tax disc still be displayed in my car window?

I understand that paper tax discs are being phased out this week. Does that mean I will no longer have to display the disc I bought recently, or must...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Will having a windscreen camera mean I'll fail my MOT?

Q. A few years ago I had a camera fitted to my windscreen so I would have video evidence in the event of a collision or fraudulent insurance claim...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Car clinic: Which car makers are most realistic about...

Q. I’m looking for a new car, but I’m worried by media reports of the inaccuracy of official figures. Whom can I trust?
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Car Clinic: How can I read my Audi A1's handbook more...

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