Flying car makers open order books

Two flying car manufacturers are set to deliver their first sky-worthy customer vehicles next year.
Google co-founder Larry Page invests in Opener and its BlackFly flying car

Google co-founder invests in second flying car co.

Google co-founder Larry Page isn't willing to put all his eggs in one flying car basket, it seems, after investing in a second company...

Video: Kitty Hawk unveils electric flying car

Kitty Hawk has unveiled the latest version of its 'Flyer' flying car with a new video.
Will flying cars ever take off?

Will flying cars ever take off?

The ultimate trophy for the upwardly mobile, flying cars are a reality at last. But will they be more than playthings for the rich?
Google begins production of driverless car fleet (video)

Google begins production of driverless cars (vid)

Internet giant Google is turning car maker as it prepares to manufacture 100 self-driving vehicles in its continuing development of autonomous...